Passion-fruit Avenue, Adenta Municipality 8.00 am - 5.00 pm

What We Do

By improving the Digital infrastructure and regulatory systems through the use of technology, we help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the pharmaceutical supply chain, potentially leading to lower costs and better distribution of products.

Implementing alternative payment mechanisms, such as vendor managed inventories and consignment stocking systems, help ensure that people have access to affordable medications, even if they must pay out-of-pocket.

Developing and implementing essential medicines lists, which identify the most effective and cost-effective medications for certain conditions, help improve access to the medications they need at an affordable price.

Pooling resources and negotiating bulk purchasing agreements by retail outlets with pharmaceutical manufacturers help reduce the cost of pharmaceutical products.

By digitally linking patient demographics with their drug consumption, we can provide tailored drug adherence and follow up services for chronic patients.

We optimize supply chain processes and products and ensure standards are maintained at different geo locations on the same platform.

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