Passion-fruit Avenue, Adenta Municipality 8.00 am - 5.00 pm

About Us

Advance Pharma Innovations is a health technology company.

We focus on challenges and gaps within the healthcare value chain and develop digital solutions to address those challenges. Our current solution was developed with the single aim to make prescription medicines affordable and accessible to all who need it.


Challenges we have identified

Access to necessary pharmaceuticals is essential for improving healthcare delivery in poor countries. To promote infant survival programs, antenatal care, tuberculosis and malaria prevention, chronic disease management, among other things, the administration of public health depends on the accessibility of critical pharmaceuticals. In most third-world nations, pharmaceutical costs make up a sizable portion of total health spending; hence, the increased cost and inefficiency of these supply chains are detrimental to the great majority of patients. To ensure that everyone has access to drugs, particularly the poor, efficiency in service delivery, particularly in the supply chain, is crucial. The accessibility of pharmaceutical care may be hampered by factors such as the location of pharmacies or the availability of professional personnel, the cost of services and medications, the affordability of those services, and the staff's sensitivity to the needs of customers.

Fragmented supply chain leading to high prices

Inability to trace and verify medications from source

Lack of Professional support and standardization of services

Lack of adequate financial services and support


Solutions to the challenges stated above

We have the innovative platform pharmacies can have access for the following services:

Flexible financing options for pharmaceutical inventories.

Digital technologies for effective inventory management

Drug supply chain traceability and verification technology

Programs for specialized patient access and support

Management tools for optimized pharmacy retail services


We leverage on various models and digital infrastructure to build partnerships with


Use our data insights to grow the scope and impact of your supplies and distribution down the value chain through better data analysis and application.

Importers and distributors

Have better demographic and consumption intelligence data for regional distribution and market intelligence decisions. Achieve better customer reach and engagement, adjust stocks with fidelity to meet targeted needs. Get regular insights into client consumption patterns and sales trends at points of consumption.

Pharmacies and hospitals

Be in a stronger position to negotiate better incentive packages with your suppliers to lower costs of inventory. Have better cost control – keep inventory costs in check and reduce obsolescence and loss of sales. Keep an easy track of cost drivers and profitability while increasing customer engagements and improved sales.

Government and public health providers

Have customizable formulary that maximizes the holding value of your inventory. Build digital relationships with customer base including chronic medication patients. Ensure patient adherence and safety, reducing long-term medical burden on the community.

Corporate bodies

Use our digital platform to connect with your medical insurance clients, simplify insurance claims processing and manage their health risks.